2022: Winner of the Computer Vision in the Wild Challenge
2022: WAIC Yunfan Award
2022: Baidu AI Young Scholars in Computer Vision
2021: DGCNN is selected as Most Cited Paper within 5 Years in TOG
2021: DeepFashion is selected as Top-100 Most Cited Paper within 5 Years in CVPR
2021: AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars in Computer Vision
2020: Nanyang Assistant Professorship
2020: CelebA is selected as Top-10 Most Cited Paper Within 5 Years in ICCV
2020: Winner of the Video Virtual Try-on Challenge
2019: HKSTP Best Paper Award
2019: Winner of the FAIR Self-Supervision Challenge
2018: Winner of the COCO Detection Challenge
2017: Winner of the DAVIS Video Segmentation Challenge
2017: ICCV Young Researcher Award